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All About Us

What Sets Us Apart

Pinga envisions to be your Baymax from the movie Big Hero 6, as a woman’s personalised healthcare companion in the form of a mobile application. Reducing 4 steps from Googling symptoms to finding the right disease management solution of a woman going through a lifestyle ailment. We want to systematically replace Google doctor with non specific predictions of diagnosis to a more sophisticated Artificial intelligence solution like your own gynaecologist. Starting with women in big cities between the age group of 25 t0 50 years.

Pinga is a mobile APP, which is focussed on Women Health. The App reduces 3-4 steps for women to reach the final diagnosis of lifestyle diseases.


The three features of the APP are-

Chat based symptom assessment and guidance on future course of action. This is a simple pre screening module which helps in early diagnosis of complicated diseases that can have serious consequences in future such as - Breast cancer, Ovary or Cervical cancer to start with. The Chat application enables a step by step self screening and also gives reminders (which act as a nudge) for periodic self screening. The application will act as a platform to monitor mental health, gynecological health, nutrition and other common ailments.

Disease management: This helps women manage most common lifestyle diseases such as PCOD/PCOS, endometriosis, obesity etc. Through Chat and tracking mechanisms women can feed information about menstrual cycle, diet, Lab test reports and can get feedback on lifestyle changes as well as need to see physicians etc. The constant Tracking and feedback from the application will elicit a favourable health response for the women thus completing the BIOFEEDBACK BASED MOTIVATION loop.

Teleconsultations and Diagnostic testing: Based on pre screening women can choose to do teleconsultations or call for home based tests.

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